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 Raspberry Tart Recipe

Homemade Raspberry Coconut Tarts

This Raspberry Tart Recipe using store purchase pastry shells, is so quick and easy to make.

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The fine coconut ingredient adds a very subtle coconut flavour and texture.

Even those who claim they do not like coconut love these tarts!

Homemade Coconut Raspberry TartsHomemade Raspberry Coconut Tarts

You can also decorate the top, for example with a red or green candied cherry ... what a festive tart that would make!

A great Christmas Baking Idea!


12 purchased tart shells (regular size)
3 tbsps. butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg, well beaten
4 tbsps. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup fine, desiccated coconut
raspberry jam
candied cherries for garnish, if desired


Spread the unbaked tart shells on a cookie baking sheet.

Place 1/2 tbsp. raspberry jam in the bottom of each tart shell.

In a medium bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt.

In a large bowl, cream the butter, slowly adding the sugar. Add the egg, using the hand mixer to blend. Add the vanilla.

Add the milk, alternating with the dry mixture. Continue to blend.

Add the coconut and combine.

Cover each of the jam filled tart shells with the cake mixture until filled.

Decorate /garnish the top of the tarts with candied cherries, if desired

Bake tarts at 375° F for 13 - 17 minutes, or until lightly browned.


Did You Know?

Raspberries not only taste delicious, but they are nutritious too!

Raspberries are very rich in Vitamin C, they are a good source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3, folate, magnesium, and a good source of dietary fibre.

Raspberries are also high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are believed to help prevent and repair oxidative stress, a process that damages body cells and has been linked to the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.

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