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Growing Organic Raspberries 

Raspberries Grown Naturally

Growing Organic Raspberries is becoming a popular gardening method for those who want only naturally grown fruit and vegetables - if this describes your preference, here is information you need to know.

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Many people are changing the way they choose their produce, and the way they garden.

Organic gardening presents many challenges.

Some crops are more challenging than others to grow organically; however, nearly every plant can be grown by organic standards.

Growing Organic RaspberriesOrganic Grown Raspberries may Taste Better

Organic produce and organic gardening has become a very popular alternative for those who are not satisfied with non-organic food and growing methods. The retail organic food market is continuing to grow in demand.

Organic produce, such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are usually more expensive to purchase than non-organic products. 

This price difference may change in the future as the demand for naturally grown fruits and vegetables increases.

Growing raspberries organically involves more than choosing not to use pesticides and fertilizers.

Many consumers claim that raspberries grown organically taste better.

Others choose organic raspberries because of their concern for the environment and the desire to avoid foods from genetically engineered organisms.

Organic gardening is a holistic system designed to harmonize the productivity and fitness of diverse communities within the agro-ecosystem, including soil organisms, plants, livestock and people.

If you wish to grow raspberries organically, realize that it will take some years to be able to consider your crop truly "organic".

The original raspberry plants must also be "certified organic" plants.

Choosing to not apply any chemicals to your plants does not conclude that the raspberry fruit is organic in nature.

The plants themselves must be organic stock.

The transition between non-organic and organic gardening will take some time.

Most organic standards require that the soil be managed using organic practices, (no non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, nor manure or compost from animals which may have been fed hormones, etc.), for 36 months prior to the harvest of the first certified organic crop.

Once this transition period has been adjusted to by the soil, the insects, the weeds, and the gardener, and the conversion to non-organic gardening methods is complete maintaining organic gardening becomes routine.

Finding natural and organic methods for successful organic gardening is becoming much simpler as more attention is being focused on this type of gardening.

For example, natural fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides are becoming increasingly popular and accessible.

GO to Recipes for Natural and Organic Pesticides

GO to Natural Weed Control Tips

If you are interested in more information about growing organic food, check out the books below, available for online purchase at *Amazon.com.

Click on the images for additional product information and customer reviews.

Organic Raspberries Growing Raspberries Naturally

Growing raspberries organically may take extra time and effort, but if you are interested in a diet intake of only naturally grown food, you will have the satisfaction that you have grown your own organic berries!

Here, below, (or use the navigation bars) are links to pages which will provide you with helpful information about growing raspberries

Note - Some of the methods described on these pages below are not organic in nature as they have the general home-gardener in focus. 

GROWING Raspberries

PLANTING Raspberry Plants

(Propagating / Dividing)


Growing Raspberries from SEED

Raspberry Plant CARE
(Fertilizing/Watering/Spraying/Sun Requirements)

HARVESTING Raspberries

PRUNING Raspberry Plants

Raspberry PESTS

Raspberry DISEASES

TOP of Organic Raspberries 
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