Looking for Raspberry Snack Recipes to make with those delectable fruits you have on hand?
What constitutes a "snack"?
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Wikipedia defines a snack as follows:
A snack food (commonly called a snack) is seen in Western culture as a type of food not meant to be eaten as a main meal of the day – breakfast, lunch, or dinner – but rather to assuage a person's hunger between these meals, providing a brief supply of energy for the body.
The term may also refer to a food item consumed between meals purely for the enjoyment of its taste.
Traditionally snacks were prepared from ingredients commonly available in the home, often leftovers, sandwiches made from cold cuts, nuts, fruit, and the like.
The Dagwood Sandwich was originally the humorous result of a cartoon character's desire for large snacks.
Beverages are not considered real snacks, especially coffee.
The only instance in which a beverage constitutes a snack is if it possesses a substantive food item (e.g., strawberries, bananas, kiwis, raspberries) and then blended to create a smoothie.
Using raspberries alone as snacks, or using recipes made with raspberries are very good choices for snack food because raspberries are very nutritious and low in calories!
Here follows an easy snack, put together with foods you probably have on hand.
It can also be made for a breakfast or a brunch.
It is pleasing to the eye - and to the palate!
The taste and nutritional value are excellent.
Some people, especially young children, do not like the taste of raspberries alone, but, when combined with other foods, they LOVE them!
Easy Put - Together - Raspberry Snack
Ingredients and Directions
Mini wheat (whole wheat) cereal (I used Kellogg's Brand)
Yogurt (I used raspberry fruit yogurt)
Blueberries (or any other fruit)
Combine the above in a small bowl and ENJOY!
There are many different Raspberry Snack Recipes throughout this website that can be used as a snack food. Use the navigation bars at the left hand column to view hundreds of raspberry recipes of all types.
Below are recipes which are specifically considered as "snack food", but be sure to explore the other possibilities on the other pages of this website!
Macaroon FRUIT DIP
Chocolate FRUIT DIP
Hazelnut Chocolate/Cream Cheese FRUIT DIP
Yogurt Lime FRUIT DIP
Cream Cheese Taffy FRUIT DIP
Peanut Butter/Cottage Cheese FRUIT DIP
Cream Cheese Pumpkin FRUIT DIP
Orange FRUIT DIP (Low Fat)
Healthy FRUIT DIP (Low Fat)
Easy FRUIT DIP (Fat Free)
Pineapple Cream Cheese FRUIT DIP (Gluten Free)
Easy Fresh Fruit KABOBS
Homemade GRANOLA Recipe (Gluten Free)
Healthy Homemade GRANOLA with Dried FRUIT
GRANOLA (Muesli) BAR Recipe
Frosty Raspberry SNACK (Low Fat)
Peach Raspberry SNACK (No Fat)
Berry Yogurt PARFAIT (optional Low Fat)
Melon Ring Fruit SNACK (Low Fat)
Nutritional Raspberry SMOOTHIE Recipes
Tasty and Satisfying Raspberry MUFFIN Recipes
Healthy Raspberry DRINK Recipes
Raspberry SORBET Snack Recipes
Snack Time COOKIE and BAR Recipes
Raspberries rank in the top 10 antioxidant-high fruits and vegetables! They possess almost 50% higher antioxidant activity than strawberries. Antioxidants are believed to help prevent and repair oxidative stress, a process that damages body cells and has been linked to the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Raspberries also provide important anti-inflammatories, including anthocyanins (the pigments in red, purple and blue fruits), which are believed to help reduce cardiovascular disease and diabetes, help to improve eyesight and memory functions.
Eating raspberries as a snack is also a great way to avoid dips in your blood sugar levels. Your diet plays a very important role in controlling diabetes.
I LOVE using raspberries as snacks for my family, especially knowing the nutritional value they are receiving by eating these snacks. Healthy snacks are the best snacks!
If you have fresh raspberries on hand and not everyone is fond of eating them (probably because of the "seeds"), a great idea is to provide a scrumptious dip to accompany the fruit.
Fresh Raspberries and other fresh fruit, dipped in home-made fruit dip is one of the most healthiest snacks, bursting in flavour and in nutrients!
Whether you are looking for snacks for the children's lunch bag, or a picnic, or while watching a movie, or whenever ... anytime ... can be "Raspberry Snack Time"!
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