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Raspberry Red Currant Sorbet Recipe

Looking for what to make with Red Currants? Make this Raspberry Red Currant Sorbet Recipe for something different!

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*FTC Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying
purchases with no extra cost to you


.6 pound caster sugar, or granulated sugar
275 ml water
1.25 pounds raspberries
.40 pounds red currants
4 1/2 tbsps. lemon juice


In a pan, combine the sugar and 275 ml. of water and heat on "low" heat to dissolve the sugar.

Increase the heat, and boil for approx. 1 minute, until mixture resembles the consistency of syrup.

Set aside to cool.

In a blender, combine the fruit, lemon juice, and cooled sugar mixture and purée till well blended.

Over a large bowl, press the above mixture through a sieve, using the back of a ladle, discarding the pulp.

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker, and follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, or follow onto the next step:

Place the mixture into a freezer safe container, cover, and freeze for approximately 2 - 3 hours, until slushy. Remove from the freezer, and, using a fork, mix and break up the ice crystals and return to the freezer for another hour. Repeat this process two more times.

In you did not use an ice cream maker, transfer the frozen mixture to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

Replace the mixture into the freezer container, and freeze until needed.

Before serving, it is advisable to put the sorbet from the freezer into the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, or until the sorbet is able to be scooped.

Serve in waffle cones or dessert bowls.

Enjoy the amazing taste of homemade sorbet!

Here below are Ice Cream Makers available for online purchase at *Amazon.com.

Click on the images below for more product information and customer reviews.

I have the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker (first, below) and I am VERY happy with it!

I never knew making homemade ice cream and sorbets was so easy!

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