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 Low Fat Many Fruits Smoothie Recipe

Make a Smoothie with Raspberries, Kiwi, Banana, Strawberries and Yogurt

This particular Low Fat Fruit Smoothie tastes like "MORE".

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The many fruits in this smoothie include: raspberries, strawberries, kiwi and banana.

The addition of kiwi gives it a taste and texture second to none.

My daughter said this is her favourite Smoothie!

Low Fat Smoothie with Raspberries, Kiwi, Banana, Strawberries and YogurtLow Fat Many Fruit Smoothie to Make at Home!

If you want to make one of these delectable smoothies for more than two people, just double the ingredients.

I do not recommend freezing smoothies which include banana as an ingredient because I find that the banana causes the smoothie colour to go dark.

So, serve these smoothies just after creating them, and ... Enjoy!


2 kiwis, peeled and cut into 4 pieces
1 banana (medium or large)
1 cup of strawberries (frozen)
1 cup of raspberries (frozen)
2 cups of low fat plain yogurt (or regular yogurt)
1 cup of milk (or skim milk)


Put all of the ingredients into the blender.

Blend until desired consistency is reached.

If the smoothie is too thick, add more milk.

Pour into glasses and garnish if desired.

Serves 2. 

Did You Know?

When purchasing Kiwi fruit, choose fruit that is unblemished and firm but not rock hard.

The flesh should yield to gentle pressure, similar to that of a ripe peach.

Avoid those that are shrivelled, or have soft spots.

If Kiwi is not entirely ripened, ripen it by leaving it at room temperature for a few days or, to speed up the process, put the kiwi in a dry paper bag along with an apple or banana.

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