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How to Make a Fruit Smoothie
Using a Blender

Best Fruit Smoothie Making Tips

Here are tips for How to make a Smoothie at Home with a simple blender ... because making your own smoothie is Fast, Easy, Fun, Full of Flavour and more Frugal than buying one at a Smoothie Shop!

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Tips for Making Fruit Smoothies at Home with a BlenderSmoothie Making Tips

Today there are many independent cafes and chains that offer Smoothie drinks.

Keep in mind however, that, while shop-bought smoothies are obviously very convenient, they are often very expensive! 

In addition to being expensive, often the "hidden" ingredients are not necessarily as healthy or good for you as you may think.

By creating your own fruit smoothie or shake, you may have to spend some time, but in the long run you will save money - even if you buy some equipment to use to begin with.

You will also know just exactly what is in your Smoothie!

Here are tips for how to make a smoothie your way!

I have included many different raspberry smoothie recipes in this website for you to try.

You can add different fruits and flavours, and make your own smoothie recipe creation too!

GO to Amazing Raspberry SMOOTHIE RECIPES

You can also freeze a Smoothie and thaw it out when you want it.

When freezing Smoothies remember to leave some "head space" in the container because your Smoothie will most likely expand when freezing.

Making a smoothie is so easy to do in your home kitchen; the only equipment you really need to make a smoothie or shake is a blender ... a regular size blender or a small blender to make smaller portions.

My daughter-in-law loves to use her "Magic Bullet" (see below), to make smoothies and other fabulous drinks for her family ... a great way to help the small children eat their fruit (and veggies). (It's also great for making pureed baby food.)

This multi-function blender chops, minces, grates, blends, whips and grinds in seconds, similar to the larger blenders, but it also comes with drink mug attachments so you have less clean-up!

Click on the images below for more detailed product information from *Amazon.com, and for customer product reviews.

What do you Add to the Fruit to Make a Smoothie?


Liquids help to make your Smoothie a thinner, more drinkable consistency.

It is a good idea to add the liquids to the blender first, to prevent it from binding up on the frozen fruit and getting "stuck".


If you are using frozen fruit for your creation, your Smoothie will stay colder and be thicker than if your fruit is fresh and warm. If you have time, you can freeze your fruit beforehand (small fruits will freeze in approximately one hour).

Larger fruits that may be added to your Raspberry Smoothie (like bananas) should be cut into small pieces before freezing. Spread the fruit pieces on a baking sheet covered with wax paper or parchment paper before freezing to ensure that the fruit does not freeze into one unmanageable lump. Once frozen, you can then move the fruit into containers or freezer bags. 

GO to How to Freeze Raspberries


Solids usually make up the bulk of your Raspberry Smoothie. Solids will usually include one or more of the following: yogurt, fruit, tofu (choose the silken kind as it is much creamier than the firm varieties), peanut butter and others.

Flavour Additions

Flavour additions can pull all of the flavours in the Smoothie together and provide a "kick" as an added bonus. Flavour additions may include: ginger, mint, chocolate, vanilla and others.

Whey Powder Protein Addition

Many people like to add whey protein powder to their Smoothie.

Some recipes include whey powder in the list of ingredients, however, even if it is not listed, you can add a scoop of whey powder to almost any smoothie you make.

In fact, you can purchase different flavours (for example: "cocoa" flavour) of protein whey.

The whey powder is considered "tasteless", so it does not interfere with the flavour of your food.Whey protein is actually a natural part of cheese making, made into a quality powder which is high in protein. Whey provides the body with additional amino acids, in an easy to absorb form.

Adding whey to your Smoothie, (and other foods), is a smart way to add extra nutrition to an already nutritious Raspberry drink!

Now that you know How to Make a Smoothie, why not try one today!

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