Looking for How to Get Rid of Raspberry Stains, or other Berry Stains?
Berries, including blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries and most other berries will stain clothing, linens, carpets, and other material with even the slightest spills.
Here are tips to help you remove these stubborn berry stains.
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Squished fresh raspberries and berries cooked or baked into berry desserts, jam, sauce and other berry treats when spilled or dropped on clothing, carpets, upholstery, and linens will leave a stain.
Two important things to remember when treating stains are: one, if possible always treat stains when they are fresh, and two, never dry stained material with heat before the stain is effectively removed.
Both time and heat tend to "set" stains making their removal more difficult, and in some cases, impossible.
Be sure to begin by scraping and wiping off any obvious berry left on the material.
Next, turn the clothing or linens inside out, and rinse the stain with cold water to flush through as much of the berry stain as possible.
Place a clean white or light coloured hand towel between the two layers of the clothing (or under the linen), under the stain, to avoid rubbing the stain onto the opposite side of the garment.
Then, pre-treat the stain using a dab of liquid laundry detergent, a purchased "stain removal" solution (often in the form of a spray), or rub vinegar or lemon juice (or a lemon slice), over the stain.
I like to use, and have had very good success, using professionally designed solutions/mixtures to pre-treat stains.
After treating the stain, allow the clothing or linen to pre-soak in cold water for about 30 minutes.
Rinse the material with cold water and check to see if the stain is still visible.
If there is no stain remaining, launder the clothing or linen as usual.
If the stain is still visible, repeat the above process, beginning with the application of a stain remover.
Be sure the stain is removed before drying the item in the dryer to avoid "setting" the stain.
Allowing the item to be dried outdoors, in the sunshine, will help for stubborn stains, as the UV rays from the sun help to break down the stain.
Be sure to begin by scraping and wiping off any obvious berry left on the material.
In the case of stained clothing, place a clean white or light coloured hand towel between the two layers of the clothing, under the stain, to avoid rubbing the stain onto the opposite side of the garment. (Avoid using coloured cloth, to prevent the possible transferring of colour onto the material you are trying to clean.)
Mix a solution of two cups cool water and 1/2 - 1 tbsp. dishwashing liquid. Or, use a purchased stain removal solution, and use as directed.
Soak a small, clean white cloth with the mixture, wipe up and "dab" the stain to remove as much of the stain as possible. Try not to rub the material too much.
Rinse with a little vinegar and cold water, and blot dry using a clean, dry white cloth.
You many need to repeat the above process until the stain is removed successfully, or to your satisfaction.
Hang or lay the material flat to dry.
For both clothing and upholstery, it is important to dab the item to remove as much of the wet as possible. This will help to avoid a "ring" residue when the fabric is dry.
Allowing the item to be dried outdoors, in the sunshine, will help for stubborn stains, as the UV rays from the sun help to break down the stain.
The instructions for the removal of stains from carpet are the same as removing berry stains from non-washables and upholstery.
If you are having difficulty removing a stain, I do suggest you check out the available stain removal products that are available in most grocery or department stores. I find that these products have been engineered and tested to provide consumers with the best possible solution to stain removal, or all types.
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