Here are two Berry Smoothie Recipes, Fresh Fruit Smoothie, and Triple Berry Smoothie.
Nothing says "SUMMER" quite like the sweet taste of a berry fruit smoothie, healthy and irresistible!
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Berries are very nutritious and berry high in antioxidants(!), so you have a drink that not will take your taste buds for a ride, AND is nutritious too!
If you are only making a smoothie for 1 person, you can easily reduce all the ingredients by one half, or freeze your extra smoothie, and have it at another time!
You can also add flavour additions to smoothies. Flavour additions can pull all of the flavours in the Smoothie together and provide a "kick" as an added bonus. Flavour additions may include: ginger, mint, chocolate, vanilla and others.
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1 banana, sliced
1/2 cup red or black raspberries
1/2 cup strawberries
3/4 cup yogurt (can use fat free yogurt)
1/2 cup ice
In a blender, add the yogurt, the sliced banana, and the berries, and blend to combine.
Add the ice, and blend until smooth.
If desired, garnish with a few fresh berries!
Serve immediately.
Makes 2 smoothies.
8 - 10 strawberries
1/2 cup red or black raspberries
1/2 cup blueberries or blackberries
1 banana
1/2 cup yogurt (can use fat free yogurt)
1 cup milk
1/2 cup ice cubes
In a blender, add the yogurt, the sliced banana, and the milk, and blend to combine.
Add the berries, and continue to blend.
Add the ice, and blend until smooth.
If desired, garnish with a few fresh berries!
Serve immediately.
Makes 2 - 3 smoothies.
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