Raspberry Tea ... a website devoted entirely to everything about raspberries would not be complete without a section about raspberry tea!
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Learn how to make a basic raspberry tea and link to more homemade cold raspberry tea drinks such as "raspberry sparkle" and "raspberry champagne" ... and not to forget - raspberry iced tea recipes too!
Read the interesting information regarding the claims of the benefits and medicinal uses of red raspberry tea leaves for women's health.
I myself, prefer a mug of coffee to a cup of tea, however, when I do drink tea, I usually reach for the flavoured tea.
If it is raspberry flavoured tea, that is a bonus!
Tea drinking is an ancient human past-time ... it is believed, that, next to water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage on the planet!
Raspberry tea is made from the pale green leaves of the red raspberry plant.
The raspberry leaf has claims to many medicinal uses due to its rich content in vitamins, minerals, and tannins.
There are more than 15,000 varieties of teas produced in about 25 countries in the world!
With the many different colours, sizes, and shapes of tea leaves, as well as the varying drying methods, there is a vast range of possible flavours for brewing a cup of this popular hot drink.
Most of the purchased raspberry teas are herbal teas, and are caffeine free.
They may include a blend of raspberry leaves, rose hips, orange peel, and hibiscus.
In its basic form, raspberry tea can be made by the infusion of 1 teaspoon of the dried leaves in a cup of boiling water.
Bring one cup of water to a boil, remove from heat, and add one teaspoon of the raspberry tea leaves.
Allow tea to steep for about 8 - 10 minutes, and strain.
Add sugar or honey as desired.
Have you ever considered using Berry Tea to create a unique drink?
These drinks use tea, mixed with other liquids to create a fresh, cold refreshment.
You can use the recipes below for other herbal berry teas too!
★ Is there really a "best" way to make something as simple as a pot or a cup of tea?
Yes, there is! Check out these tea-making tips: How to Make Tea
Red raspberry tea is often sought after by those seeking it for its claims of medicinal uses during pregnancy, childbirth (labour and delivery).
Additionally, raspberry tea claims to alleviate certain conditions relating to women's reproductive health, such as infertility, irregular menstruation, and more.
If you wish more information about the medicinal benefits of red raspberry leaf tea for women's reproductive health,
GO to Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for Pregnancy and Women's Health
Here are examples of Raspberry Leaf Teas, including teas for women's health and a "pre-conception" tea you can purchase, and, in most cases have delivered right to your door!
Click on the images for more detailed product information and customer's product reviews.
Note - It is always a good idea to seek the advice of your health care provider before taking red raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy or for other medicinal uses, and follow his or her advice as to your particular health and unique circumstances.
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